Wondering where your order is? If you have not received your order within 6 working days from the day the order was placed you should:
1. First check with your local post office to see it your package is there.
2. If your package is not at your post office call our Call Center with your name and/or the name of the person you were shipping to, the date of your order, address to ship to and contact information for you. The Email to Divorce@Eastex.net
Did you receive the wrong item or an item you didn't order?
Call and indicate the item that arrived instead of what you did order. Let us know whether you need a refund or a replacement sent to you.
How do you change your order? You can make changes to orders from Pale Horse Publishing that have not yet entered the shipping process.
Order placed:
Online: Send an e-mail to divorce@Eastex.net with 'Change My Order' in the subject line to notify us of the change.
Due to the volume of packages we ship each day, it is impossible to locate and make changes to any package once it has entered the shipping process.
Canceling items, combining orders, or changing your shipping address, speed, or preference might affect your order's cost and delivery time.